Rewatch: Body – Align with Myron Vititow

Posts about general and overall wellness
Jean Deaton, RD, shared her knowledge about eating well on a budget and how to listen to your body. She also discusses the pitfalls of diet culture and the importance of enjoying the food you eat.
It is an adjustment for everyone to move legal education online. Neither professors nor students ever thought law school would have to be so flexible so quickly, but here we are. Whether you are attending remotely or are on campus, Zoom has an ongoing presence in our lives now. Zoom fatigue is real, especially in the rigorous environment that is law school.
For 1Ls, check out this ABA article for tips in succeeding in 1L year while attending remote or hybrid classes.
The good news is we can wear our pajamas more. The bad news is that we have less social interaction, and we are seeing too much of our couches and computers.
Critical to the success of virtual learning and navigating this new normal is taking care of yourself. This looks different for everyone; only you know yourself. But I’ve compiled a list of suggested best practices for attending classes via Zoom and online learning generally that can help us get more comfortable in our new routine.
Continue reading “Navigating Zoom School of Law”The Albany Law Literary Circle (ALLC) was created in light of the COVID-19 crisis and is a program that is proving to be essential in fostering togetherness. The ALLC executive team recognizes the need for the Albany Law community to stay safe, stay conversational, and, most importantly, stay connected. Using Zoom for remote meetings, GroupMe, and social media, ALLC has used technology to catalyze its growth and build its circle community. The first summer session brought together members from all backgrounds of the Albany Law community: incoming first-year students, professors, the Deans, staff, current students, and alumni. Such a diverse mix of generational and experiential perspective deeply enriches the program.
As the Covid-19 crisis has confined us to our homes, the ALLC believes it is important to provide a space where the Albany Law community can come together and keep their sense of connection. Fear and anxiety about a new disease and what could happen can be overwhelming. Public health actions, such as social distancing, can make people feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress and anxiety. Coping with stress in a healthy way will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger.
As the new semester starts, we are looking forward to growing our club to include events such as happy hour discussions, movie watch parties, and expanding our literature to include genres such as short stories, which are easier to read during the school year. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, Julia, or my colleagues, Mina, Andrea, and Shabena. We hope to meet you soon and can’t wait to start reading with you!