Jean Deaton, RD, shared her knowledge about eating well on a budget and how to listen to your body. She also discusses the pitfalls of diet culture and the importance of enjoying the food you eat.
Category: Physical Wellness
Meet the Newest Colby Fellow: Sarah Dixon-Morgan, ’22
Since my early mornings as a high school freshman running 5Ks at 6 am before a twelve hour marching band practice, I have taken my health seriously. While I no longer run every day, I continue to focus on my health. Being in law school has made me understand the importance of my mental health. I combine yoga and meditation to maintain a strong sense of self-reflection. Through the Wellness Initiative, I hope to work with students to find ourselves, maintain mental and physical fortitude in between study sessions, and ignite a passion for overall wellness. Questions? Please reach out! [email protected]

Sarah will be joining Olivia Cox, ’21 as a Colby Fellow. As always, do not hesitate to reach out to Dean Queenan, Olivia, or Sarah with any comments, questions, or concerns. We are looking forward to another year full of wellness events!

Virtual 5K Results!
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the Virtual 5K and donated to the Student Emergency Fund! It was a beautiful day in Albany to enjoy some sunshine and support our students. If you still want to donate to the Student Emergency Fund you can do so at the link below: