Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the Virtual 5K and donated to the Student Emergency Fund! It was a beautiful day in Albany to enjoy some sunshine and support our students. If you still want to donate to the Student Emergency Fund you can do so at the link below: https://securelb.imodules.com/s/977/18/interior-one-col.aspx?sid=977&gid=1&pgid=675&cid=1370&bledit=1&dids=65
On Sunday, May 3rd, the Wellness Initiative will be hosting a Virtual 5K to raise funds for the Helen Wilkinson Student Emergency Fund. There is a suggested donation of $10 to participate. Donate here.
Join us for Wellness Events during the first week of May! Dr. Cornish, resident Albany Law counselor, will be giving exam tips on 5/5 via Zoom. Dean Queenan, Olivia, and Carly will be hosting a show and tell for the children of students, staff, and faculty on 5/6 at noon. On 5/6 at 5:30 pm, Rugby and the Wellness Initiative will be co-hosting a CardioYoga class! NOTE: Dr. Cornish is also still available for private sessions via Zoom. Contact him to arrange a time if you are in need.
As always, contact Olivia, Carly, or Dean Queenan with any questions or concerns!
By Nicholas Wall, 2L
“Sometimes you have to sharpen the knife to keep cutting.” It is a simple concept, really. To cut something, you have to have a sharp knife. No sharp knife, no cutting. In a less metaphoric sense, sometimes you have to take some time to relieve stress or do something fun, in order to continue producing your best work.
I heard it first from my girlfriend’s dad, a NJ lawyer who specializes in family law. “If you wake up and only live, breathe, and speak law school, you’re going to go crazy,” he said to me when I was stressed about potentially missing an entire Saturday of schoolwork in order to play in a rugby game. However, I don’t think he expected me to take the saying to heart as much as I have. Now more than ever we need to have a sharp knife. As Meghna pointed out in an earlier post, many of us have personal goals and expectations; and with the semester coming to a screaming, fiery, NASCAR-highlights level end, we need to have the sharpest knife possible to achieve those goals.
Now, everybody has different ways that they destress or have fun, so I won’t try to make an all-inclusive list. I asked around what people do and thought I would pass along what they said:
Again, this is not meant to be the end-all list. If there is something that is your go to for when you need a break, do that! Continue keep your eye on the goal, but remember, sometimes you have to sharpen the knife in order to keep cutting!